Meet Our Team
Sharon Tam
Sharon has been a Christ-follower for over thirty years and a pastor for twenty of those years. She has a diverse background ranging from teaching high school math in the Philippines, being the lead pastor in multi-cultural churches, being an English pastor in a Chinese church (before her last name became Tam), being the team lead on mission trips, being a guest lecturer and speaker at various events and institutions, being an author, and a spiritual director. She studied at Canadian Theological Seminary (now Ambrose Seminary), has a doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary, and studied spiritual direction at Tyndale Seminary. Her passion is to see people from all walks of life dwell more fully in the love of God that is found in Christ Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. She enjoys exploring nature, cooking and savouring ethnic foods, traveling, reading, visiting friends, watching action-packed movies and spy shows, continually learning, being warm, and eating chocolate and strawberries. She especially enjoys being surprised by God as people are set free to live with greater ease and delight in Christ’s kingdom. For more information about Sharon, please visit her personal webpage
Chair Person
Terrence Smith
Hi. My name is Terrence Smith. I joined the New Hope family in 2010 having migrated from Jamaica that same year. I am married to Winsome and we have two daughters – Jordana and Brittany. I have been in a relationship with Christ since 1997. At New Hope, I have been responsible for the facilities management for many years. Now, I am the chairperson. I appreciate your prayers for wisdom and guidance.
Winsome Smith
Henry Tam
Facilities Management
Joe Paiva
Christian Education Coordinator
Lynn Cover
I became a Christian when I was about 30 years old at this church and have attended ever since. I like working with children because they keep me young and it’s a good age for them to learn the truth of the gospel.